Wednesday, February 25, 2015

I rent a home in Hampton Roads and need a blood cleanup what are my options?

I rent a home in Hampton Roads and need a blood cleanup what are my options?

If you have experienced a accident in the home you rent call Aftercare to assist you in the cleanup process. Removing all bio-hazardous waste immediately is the most important step. The longer the contamination is there the more damage it will cause. Blood can run into the walls, floors or any type of material resulting in large losses.

Does my renters insurance cover blood cleanup loss?

Aftercare is ask this question often. The answer depends on the type of renters policy you have. General renters policies are designed to pay for the loss of a renters personal effects. This would be items like a TV, couch, bed or clothing. This type of policy might help you if you lose personal effects due to the loss of contamination. When cleaning up after a crime scene, accidental death or blood loss some items cannot be cleaned; they must be disposed of. Aftercare strives to save as much personal effects as possible; however some things cannot be saved. There are some renters policies that cover structural damage. This coverage would be more expensive and protects the landlords property. Coverage of this type would include situations like carpet replacement, painting, flooring, drywall and cleanup cost. Renters policies vary by company if you have a policy call and ask how your coverage can assist you.

What if I don't have renters insurance?

Aftercare can still help you if you do not have insurance. We have several programs that might be able to assist you with the cost of cleaning. We can also give you a no insurance discount to bring the cleanup and disposal cost to a affordable range. Last but not least most likely the owner of the house will carry a home owners insurance coverage. By calling and explaining the situation you can ask to use that coverage to pay for cleanup and damage replacement. There will be a deductible if you offer to pay that amount the cleanup should be covered.
Questions call now we can help (757) 535-4367