Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Animal Dropings Cleanup under houses and in attics Norfolk, Virginia Beach, Virginia......

Have you inspected your attic lately? Are animals making a mess under your home? You know that space under the floor you walk on every day. Most homeowners never check on these areas unless they hear or smell something bad. This is a big mistake that can turn into big cleanup in a fast hurry. Animals can contaminate these areas in just a few weeks to one month. Aftercare sees this problem every month with homeowners throughout the Hampton Roads area. Rat contamination in attics is a big problem throughout Virginia beach and raccoons seem to be moving in to crawl spaces all over Norfolk. Aftercare recommends that all homeowners or land lords check these areas every few months. Don't wait until animal droppings build up and contaminate the entire space this can get expensive. Make sure entrance areas are closed and no openings are available to critters up high and down low. Aftercare decontaminates any area that animals have been living in. Removal of animal droppings and urine is what we do. Aftercare can remove and dispose of contaminated insulation. We clean and sanitize all diseases wild animals leave behind. Remember air ducts run through attics and under homes. Animals love to tear into these ducts and this allows contamination into the environment of the house. Don't take a chance on family sickness. Do you have a allergy problem in your house? Call aftercare to clean up and disinfect your homes crawl space or attic. Free estimates (757) 535-4367 Williamsburg, Newport News, Hampton, Chesapeake, Suffolk, Norfolk, Portsmouth and Virginia Beach,Virginia

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